Fund Services

The unit trust forms a tripartite relationship between the Management Company as the Manager, the Trustee as an independent body and the unit holders. Pacific Trustees acts as the custodian of the fund assets and ensures that the unit trust is managed according to the Securities Commission’s Guidelines on Unit Trust Funds and in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in the Trust Deed to minimize the risk of mismanagement by the fund manager.
The Trustee must therefore act to ensure that the Management Company adheres strictly to the provisions of the Trust Deed, particularly with regard to the creation and cancellation of units, the exercise of investment powers of the fund, collection and distribution of income, proper record-keeping of administrative, investment and unit holders’ transactions, as well as upholding unit holders’ interests.
Presently, Pacific Trustees acts as Trustee for the following funds:

Trustee Management System
Our inhouse Trustee Management System, which is backed and supported by our IT Department, covers system security, back-up, access, troubleshooting and retrieval of information. The system performs day-to-day operations to cater to and manage the needs of the Unit Trust accounts which include:
CIS System Flow Chart

Pacific Trustees’ specialist fund administration teams in Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Singapore provide a comprehensive range of fund administration and associated fund services across all asset classes, to give our clients visibility and confidence in the performance of their investments. With our vast experience and expertise, we readily offer client-tailored fund solutions, structures and strategies. Our multi-talented transfer agency team liaises with the funds’ investors to ensure total peace of mind for every investor. Additionally, we provide incorporation, registered office, corporate secretarial services for fund and fund management companies, periodic remission calculations and filings of the applicable taxes (e.g. goods and services tax (GST), sales tax, service tax), payroll and accounts for fund management companies and other local regulatory compliance services. We also provide fund accounting services including the preparation of a broad range of financial reports which are made available online to fund managers and investors periodically and upon request.